Experience the Wonders of Cupping Massage
A holistic healing technique for body revitalization.
Cupping Massage at Alinio is a gentle, relaxing therapy that taps into traditional healing wisdom. By creating suction on the skin, cupping promotes blood flow, eases tension, and facilitates detoxification. This age-old method not only relieves muscle pain but also enhances overall wellness. Come on a journey with us, in the heart of Edmonton, to discover this ancient practice and its transformative benefits.
Alinio Chiropractic & Massage
#200 Bell Tower, 10104-103 Avenue NWEdmonton, AB
T5J 0H8 View Staff & Treatments
Cupping Massage is a therapy that uses suction via cups to lift and decompress tissue, promoting blood flow and stimulation to the lymphatic. This stimulation not only works to deliver a deep tissue massage, but it also helps with blood flow, inflammation, and pain. Cupping is excellent at increasing joint mobility, waking up the lymphatic system, which helps to drain excess fluids and toxins, stimulating the nervous system, pulling fresh blood flow to stagnant muscles, and even loosening adhesions in muscle and myofascial tissue.
Lindsey McCaughey
BOOK NOWDiscover the Healing Power of Cupping
Experience holistic wellness at Alinio, book your Cupping Massage today.
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